Wednesday, September 29, 2010

"Flight of the Conchords"

I figured I would stray away from the books for the week and post something that people may have seen before.  This is the cover of a DVD that I own, a show called "Flight of the Conchords".  This imagery really explains what to look forward to in watching this show; Its about a two-man band from Australia who have come to New York to seek fame and fortune with instruments in hand. The hilarity of the cover fits the characters perfectly; even though they aren't able to gain fans in the course of the episodes, their egos are still blown up by each other.  A must-see!

Monday, September 20, 2010


I found this image in a magazine called DigitalArts in the Parkland Library.  The cover page uses the words "Sex & Art" to convey what is to be highlighted in the issue.  I personally really liked this magazine because it gives step-by-step directions on how to achieve some masterfully done images in Photoshop and Illustrator.  I really liked this image because it has a vaseline-lensed feel, a fleshy colour palette, and breathless expression to give a 1970s-style glamour and sensuality.  

Monday, September 13, 2010

"Bugs In My Jeep!"

This is one awesome marketing idea for Jeep.  I found this image in the Graphis Design Annual 2007 edition.  The point of the work is for brochures that support the series of Jeep brands.  The work was done by BBDO Detroit.  Upon first inspection, I did not even realize that this was a car ad.  It truthfully looked like bugs pinned to foam board, like the kind that you would see in a museum.  With such a crazy way of inspecting these Jeeps, it really makes this perspective fun for the new viewer of the ad.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

I call this one "Save Money On Ink"

This ad for Office Max jumped out at me because I am always trying to "save money on ink".  I found this image in the 2008 edition of Graphis, a book dedicated to master graphic designs.  Of course, the scanner cut off the final part at the bottom that says Office Max, but that really is not the main point of interest to me.  The really interesting things that jumped out at me are, one; it takes quite a bit of ink to make a tattoo, two; the squid is holding money and a printer while squirting ink out into the water, and three; its a sensual design placed on a womans back.  This is humour, art, and sex all combined to make a great graphic design ad.